Philadelphia vs. Forrest Gump

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
An Oscar is an acemedy award that is given out year to honor the best movie, actors, actresses, and directors. Tom Hanks is an actor, Tom Hanks Has done many movies like: Bachelor Party and Splash in the 1980's to Philadelphia and Forrest Gump in the 1990's to the Polar Express in 2004. Through out his career Tom Hanks wasn't looked at being a serious actor until he won first Oscar for Philadelphia. <Tab/&…

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…office hits like Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, Cast Away, The Terminal and Polar Express. Tom Hanks was recently interviewed by Hollywood Inside and they reported that Tom Hanks loves movie critics to proof them wrong and watch them backtrack after the movie wins an Oscar or gets nominated for an award. Hollywood Inside also reported more is to come from Tom Hanks which is great for us especially myself he is my favorite actor.