Pheasants Forever

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Pheasants Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization founded in 1982 in response to the decline of the ring-necked pheasant population. Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations in North America through habitat improvement, public awareness, education, and land management benefiting landowners and wildlife alike. Pheasants Forever's system of county chapters allows 100% of net funds raised by chapters to remain at the chapter level for local habitat projects. Chapter …

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…spent more than $33 million on habitat restoration projects, public awareness and education programs, and land management policy improvements. These numbers alone should give you the impression that Pheasants Forever works and it works well. I believe that Pheasants Forever is a great success, protecting, restoring and helping to preserve our natural environments. Without groups like Pheasants Forever, we would be lucky to have any wildlife areas that are not over hunted or overtaken by humans.