Pharaoh Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). Who was he? was he an eventful or event-making pharaoh? What did he do to Egypt during his rule? What resulted? Where did he focus mainly during his reign.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
AKhenaton, also known as "The Heretic King", was an eventful pharoah and the last ruler of the 18th century. He ruled for sixteen years, from 1350 B.C. to 1334 B.C. He became a pharoah by the help of his mother. He moved the capital from Thebes and built a new one in the middle of Egypt at Tell-el-Amarna and also revolutionized art so it became more realistic. He believed in omni-present spirit. Akhenaton replaced the …

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…military. The changes that he had made angered alot of people, and the fact that after his own death the culture did not continue. The old polytheistic religion was restored, the capital was moved back to Thebes and the art was not realistic anymore, The city, Akhetaton, was abandoned and his temples were destroyed, removing his name from existence. Akhenaton's tomb was found in Amarna but it was empty and his remains were never found.