"Persuasive" speech against school dress codes.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Today's society is built upon the values of freedom, independence and the natural rights of man. Many of our fore fathers died building this base upon which these values stand upon. Would you throw these rights away? The rights that you take for granted which were unheard of just three centuries ago. Would …

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…we should and should not wear? If we let these simple rights slip through our fingers what will come next? Our freedom of speech? Our freedom of religion? Our right to vote? Where will it end once the ball starts rolling? Will we throw everything that our founding fathers fought for out the window? How important are our rights as an American citizen? And how much of it are you willing to sacrifice? How much?