Persuasive essay on Why thereputic cloning and endangered animal cloning should be allowed?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Did you know that thousands of people each year die because the need an organ transplant, but can't get organs needed? Did you also know that by earth could lose 20% of all the species by 2025, and that animal species will continue to die out because humans are overcrowding the earth and taking the animal territories? If reproductive cloning is allowed, the world would become overcrowded in the future; however, under specific circumstances, reproductive cloning should …

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…cloning can be used in research to reverse the effects of ?incurable diseases? like Parkinson?s or Alzheimer?s. Third, 88% of the public clearly disapproves of cloning humans, but 54% support cloning human embryos to create stem cells for medical treatment (that is, therapeutic cloning). Finally, all religions, except fro the Catholics did now take a firm ground against therapeutic cloning. It is clear than that the scientific community and the general public support therapeutic cloning.