Persuasive essay, gay marriage in the us, YES!

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
this is a long, well written essay for the cause of gay marriages in the us, including 2 sources, interesting facts from the around the world and curent issues around the topic. Gay marriages in America -or why all homos should become Bhuddists, move to Europe or need to be very strong- Most times when the topic homosexuality comes up in a conversation, people favor equal rights for gays in almost every point, except marriage. The …

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…and fully tolerates it. In most bhudist countries a gay couple can be married without hassle. The same in most western european countries. Germany, Denmark and the Netherland are the most respectfull and granted gays the right to marry first.) Sources: Scott Bidstrup: "Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives" Stanley Kurtz: "Beyond Gay Marriage" hope it helps you out!