Persuasive essay - The problem of Asylum (written in 2000)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
In Kosovo on 24th December 1998, Serbian Soldiers burst into the household of an innocent ethnic Albanian family. After savagely murdering the father and son, soaking their family in their persecuted blood, they dragged the terrified, screaming mother and daughter into nearby woods. Pinning the mother down, they forced her to watch as they brutally raped and beat her tiny nine-year-old daughter again, again and again. Chuckling in nauseating amusement, they shot the tormented, broken child …

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…the other hand, should we rise to our strengths and welcome asylum seekers as brothers ans sisters then we shall morally and ethically be using our power correctly, but also inviting future prosperity to Britain and providing invaluable cultural learning for the next generation. This is Gods land; we will all die one day and leave it behind; so let the people enjoy themselves. How sure are we Britons that we will be rich forever.