Persuasive Essay: Free Periods

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
The school bell rings, signaling pupils to move to their next class. Period after period, day after day the same process is followed. School is boring with the same thing over and over. Schools should fit in free periods into student's schedules. There are a number of positive effects this would have on students. It would be good for teachers, provides pupils a chance to catch up and complete assignments, and in general a break …

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…point out the students who actually come to school to graduate with honors, and those who really don't care. In conclusion, when given a free period, students can utilize the time to their advantage, and get the most out of their education. Benefits include a less stressful day, more time to complete assignments, and teachers more willing to pass on knowledge to students. Lets make sure students get the best out of their school education.