Persuade audience to use ethanol listing advantages and disadvantages compared to petrol in terms of efficiency and as a renewable source of energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Clean Green Fighting Machine If there was ever a time, more in need of a non polluting fuel So, have you heard of the green house effect? Ever seen one of those shows on TV about global warming and how the oceans will rise? Just thought it would go away? Or if it was that critical the government would step in? No wrong again. It's all up to us and I have the answer for …

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…clean out the tank and fuel line as ethanol will mix with water and although this is a good thing in small quantities, it keeps the tank clean, too much water will cause your car not to work. If you are thinking about mixing blended fuels, it is completely alright. Lets make a stand and make a difference to have everyone using this green fuel and have further research for engines that run on 100% ethanol.