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Essay Database > History > World History
ESSAY QUESTION: 'Perspectives' Our perspective is a product of our social and personal background. Discuss. In your answer, include what you have learnt about perspectives and how the composers have created meaning in their texts. In your essay, refer to your main text, one item from the changing booklet and two related texts. A perspective is a point of view or a way of seeing the world. Everyone has a perspective. It is true that …

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…our perspective is a product of our social and personal background because it can be seen through those four texts above which are Looking for Alibrandi composed by Melina Marchetta, Sky high composed by Hannah Robert, The secret of Suzuki composed by Jane Cadzow and The father and son composed by Cat Stevens. These texts shows that our perspective is a product of our social and personal background by using contrast, symbolization and poetic technique.