Personal Strengths and Weaknesses.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses are crucial part of the overall learning processes. Just as understanding which methods and techniques help us to learn at a peak level, understanding our strengths and weaknesses help us to become more self-aware and well-rounded individuals. In any situation, a person has attributes that will detract from the task and others that will prove beneficial. I believe that weaknesses and struggles define a person more …

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…but I think we all strive to be the best we can. The first step in improving ourselves is to recognize our shortcomings along with our strong points. I have named a few of my stronger skills along with my more limiting weaknesses. What I need to do next is put into action the plans I mentioned to change those undesirable qualities, while at the same time continuing to develop the useful skills I possess.