Personal Response to Literature- Passage from "Wild Geese", Responding to Jude's need to escape.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Minor Assignment: Personal Response to Literature Passage from, Wild Geese In the passage from Wild Geese, two ideas convey to me about Jude's need to escape. The first idea is that Jude feels smothered by her daily surroundings, and second is that Jude is living two separate lives. Jude's farm life and family ultimately suffocate her. Jude's father, Caleb is controlling and overbearing. Caleb is constantly seeking control over Judith by pushing farm work over …

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…really wants or if there is someone else who she could possibly desire. As Jude lies there, she dips her hands into the water and lets the drops slip off her finger tips like tiny cups of light. The drops described as 'tiny cups of light', could symbolize Jude's dreams and freedom slipping away from her. Jude's second life is the life that offers her freedom and a state of mind which escapes her reality.