Personal Adventure in Guatemala

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Essay Database > Literature > English
English II AS Through the Eyes of Chance Looking down on all the mountains and fields was quite astonishing from a birds eye point of view. My stomach grew intense as my little eyes glared out the 747 jet due to Guatemala city at 8:30 p.m. I was so small up in this confinement, so high above the earth's surface. The world at this time seemed so incredibly enormous, as I was just one spectacle of …

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…of a lifetime, it all seemed so normal for her. Here I was, noticing and thinking of everything bad that could possibly happen to us, and Regina just insisted upon gossipping and talking about tea! After today though, she actually got scared. After what seemed an eternity, we reached Guatemala City. The trip to the jungle was truly an adventure of a lifetime, an adventure, no matter what language you spoke, we all experienced together.