Performance management

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1.0 Introduction The world is changing. Both individuals and organizations now compete in an international marketplace. Customers want quality goods and services at competitive prices. If the produce of an organization cannot compete, it will have not market. But an organization how to improve productivities and compete with other organizations? Human resource management (HRM) should be used. HRM refer to the policies and practices needed to carry out the people, or personal, aspects of a management …

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…Rich, Philip M. Podsakoff, and Scott B. Mackenzie, "On the Interchangeability of Objective and Subjective Measures of Employee Performance: A Meta-Analysis," Personnel Psychology 48, no.3 (Autumn 1995): 587-605. 12.Arthur Sherman, George Bohlander, and Scott Snell, 1998, Managing Human Resources 11th, p.323, South-Western College Publishing. 13.William Hubbartt, "Bring performance Appraisal Training to Life," HRMagazine 40, no.5 (May 1995): 166, 168. 14.David J. Woehr, "Understanding Frame-of-Reference Training: The Impact of Training on the Recall of Performance Information," Journal of Applied Psychology 79, no.4 (August 1994): 525-534