Performance-enhancing Drugs: Improve Your Game, Destroy Your Brain

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
New advances in medicine and technology bring about an abundance of performance-enhancing drugs. Athletes today find ways to improve their minds and bodies in such a way that certain drugs enhance the exact part(s) of the body necessary for the sport. However, their discovery of drugs like Human Growth Hormone and ephedrine brings about many problems. First of all, the use of drugs by the athletes takes away from the nature of the sport …

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…The Post. 17 Jan. 2001. Ohio University. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. 1998. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Swartz, Jon. 12 Mar. 2004. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Waldstein, David. 19 Feb. 2003. 20 Apr. 2004 <>.