Perception of reality. Comparison essay on Alice in Wonderland, Waiting for Godot, Screwtape Letters

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Essay Database > Literature
Each of the three authors, Lewis Carroll, Samuel Beckett, and C.S. Lewis are able to create their own perception of reality through the manipulation of characters and use of literary devices. However, reality is an individual concept and thus each author has a distinct perception of it that becomes apparent in his writing: in Carroll's Alice's Adventure in Wonderland, Alice goes beyond the boundaries of reality into a dream world, only to discover the …

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…University Press, 1990. 2.Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. New York: Grove Press Inc, 1954. 3.Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventure in Wonderland. London: Chancellor Press, 1907. 4.Fletcher, Beryl S., et. Al. A Student's Guide to the Plays of Samuel Beckett. Great Britain: Faber & Faber, 1978. 5.Lewis, C.S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd., 1942. 6.Lyons, Charles R. Samuel Beckett. New York: Grove Press Inc, 1983. Date visited: November 27th, 2001