Perception of Femininity as seen in "The Ring" and "A Doll's House"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>The perception of femininity has been the object of much thought and theoretical expression. Though countless debates have taken place upon a variety of fields within the expanse of the classification known as femininity, little clarification has come of it. There exist two standards by which females are judged: moral standards and physical appearance. However, there are many different details to be judged in these areas. The ethic criterion that …

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…to be proud of. There are stereotypes that are completely untrue and dependent on the individual female generally accepted as legitimate. Conventionalizations such as "the submissive blonde" or "the crazy redhead" serve only to demoralize the female figure and are emphasized by certain immodesties popular among early twenty-first century culture. However one looks at it, women play an influential part in the workings of the world. They are the life-givers, the vessels of new generations.