People of Sarajevo

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
What was remarkable in the simultaneous Strasbourg-Sarajevo Art television broadcast, titled "le Couloir pour la parole" (a corridor for free speech), on December 19 (1993) was the absolute status, the extraordinary superiority conferred by misery, distress, and total delusion. The very features which enabled the inhabitants of Sarajevo to treat the "Europeans" with contempt, or at least with a sarcastic feeling of freedom that contrasted sharply with the remorse and the hypocritical regrets of their counterparts. They …

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…spiritual doubt. The people of Sarajevo who appeared on the screen during the Art broadcast were surely harbouring no illusion nor hope. But they did not look like potential martyrs either. They had objective plight, real suffering on their side. The true misery, that of the false apostles and voluntary martyrs, was on the other side. But then, is it not written that "to the voluntary martyr no recompense shall be given in the after-world."