Pennuto, Christopher M. 2002. Seasonal Differences in Predator-prey Behavior in<Tab/>Experimental Streams. The American Midland Naturalist: 150:254-267.

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Introduction The purpose of Pennuto's (2003) experiment is to show seasonal changes in insect and predator behavior. Pennuto (2003) determines whether seasons, predator existence or alternative prey, availability affected prey patch use when faced with a sit-and-wait predator from streams in southern Maine. In addition to the abrupt morality rate of predator, movement is assessed as a possible mechanisms, explaining patch use by prey in different seasons. What Pennuto (2003) is trying to prove is; can seasons control …

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…the presence of alternative prey reduced predation on both. The observations show that environmental context modifies biotic interactions between stream dwelling, insects and that cold season interactions (Pennuto 2003). Literature Cited Abrahams, M. and L.M. Dill. 1989. A determination of the energetic equivalence of therisk of predation. Ecology, 70:999-1007. Charnov, E.L. 1976. Optimal foraging: the marginal value theorem. Theorem. Pop. Biol.,9:129-136. Pennuto, Christopher M. 2002. Seasonal Differences in Predator-prey Behavior inExperimental Streams. The American Midland Naturalist 150