Pefines patriotism on a philosphical level.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
When Americans think patriotism we see stars and stripes and the national anthem plays in the back of our minds. We realize events such as Labor Day, 4th of July president's day etc. Issues of respect towards national symbols, and the patriotism displayed only at war time have drawn much attention to the question, what is Patriotism? Passionate respect, support, and concern for your countries citizens are what patriotism is all about. To intentionally disrespect …

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…or with issues the country is involved in, but one should support them because this is your home land. If you do not agree with the war in Iraq, you should without any doubt support the troops that risk their lives. If an American citizen feels they can not support the young men and women shipped over seas, you have no right to be here and you should leave the country as soon as possible.