Peer Mediation

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
PEER MEDIATION Mediation is a process for resolving disputes and conflicts in which a neutral third party (parties) acts as a moderator for the process. In mediation, the goal is to workout differences constructively. Mediation provides schools with an alternative to traditional disciplinary practices. Students involved in this process, either as mediators or disputants, learn a new way of handling conflict. In mediation, trained students help their classmates identify the problems behind the conflicts and …

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…ego. Conflict is a part of life. Conflict can be understood in many ways. No right/wrong can lead to growth and understanding. If we spent the rest of our lives trying to judge who is right/wrong, we will never overcome conflicts and move on with our lives as individuals. Conflict does not necessarily lead to violence, communication, and mediation. Conflict management skills should be practiced. Identifying feelings involved is important to solve conflict.