Pearl Harbour

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Essay Database > History > World History
PEARL HARBOUR RE-VISITED By Ben Doff The attack on Pearl Harbour occurred on December 6th 1941 in Oahu, Hawaii, and was called a "day of infamy" by President F.D. Roosevelt. This event brought the United States of America into World War 2. It all started when the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked in Oahu, Hawaii by the Japanese. During this time of year when we remember those lost at war, we need …

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…For Australians, this event meant that our ties to Britain were no longer as strong. America replaced Britain as our number one ally and continues to be in the present stage. America is feared worldwide as a patriotic nation ready to defend itself and its allies, even to the point of war. Australia is proud to be an American ally as we would not be where we are today without the United States of America.