Pearl Harbor

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Essay Database > History
Pearl Harbor: Could We Have Stopped It? On December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese air force relentlessly. On that horrible day over 2400 Americans died because of that attack, and even more were injured. This cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor angered the U.S.A. and immediately brought us into the war. The U.S.A. would be determined to bring down the axis powers all over the earth. This was the start …

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…on Pearl Harbor could have been prevented and probably even stopped before any real damage was done if Mormello 5 proper precautions were taken, and spared no money and supplies. The U.S.A. could have saved over 2400 lives and saved their ships and planes which was much more than the proper precautions would have been. But U.S.A. was awakened and took care of business to help the allied powers win World War II.