Paved in Innocence: The Quiet American

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Of all the conflicts that the United States engaged in during the late 20th century, none invoked the ire of its citizens more than Vietnam. Even now it is somewhat of a taboo, something that if spoken about wrongly, could incur the wrath of those around you. Yet Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American is centered around just that, as well as early U.S. involvement during the prologue to American troops being sent into …

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…innocent, but whose innocence was not an excuse for the consequences of those innocent actions. Works Cited Gaston, Georg M.A. The Pursuit of Salvation: A critical Guide to the Novels of Graham Greene. New York: Whitston, 1984. Greene, Graham. The Quiet American. New York: Penguin, 1991. Hillenbrand, Barry. "What's Missing in This Picture? 'The Quiet American'" Commonweal, Vol. 130, February 28, 2003. Vineberg, Steve. "Guilty Innocence." The Christian Century, Vol. 119, December 18, 2002. Wyndham, Francis. Graham Greene. Longmans: Green & Co., 1955.