Paul's Missionary Journeys

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Paul was a devoted Christian who spread the message of Jesus Christ during his missionary journeys. However, Paul was not always a committed Christian. He was born with the name Saul, and was a very religious Jew. He was sent to Jerusalem to become a rabbi, where later he heard of Christianity. He regarded the new religion as being a heretic form of Judaism, and naturally it angered him. Paul became one of the first …

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…made it to Rome. There, after two years of house arrest, Paul was executed during the reign of Nero. Paul made lasting contributions to Christianity. Throughout his journeys, Paul spread Jesus' message to the Gentiles, helping the Church to grow and expand. He "opened the doors of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:27)." Paul ultimately strengthened the Christian church, and spread the message as far as Rome, opening a new era for the world and Christianity.