Paths To Salvation and The Age Of Reform

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Essay Database > History
After the War of 1812 a feeling of nationalism swept over the country. Nationalism is the spirit of nation-consciousness or national oneness. In other words, it is a feeling of unity throughout the country, usually associated with a feeling of national superiority. Nationalism lasted for a short time however people noticed their complacency growing throughout the newly formed nation. This is the story of a gathering of people to Cane Ridge, Kentucky and their revival toward …

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…see it, there were many people who molded this Country to be what it is today. A very ethnicity diverse society that I will argue is like a bowl of stew. Everyone depends on one another, yet when dissected, holds firm to its ancestral roots. But if you were to transplant any group of people and placed them back into the origin of their national descent, they would clearly stand out as "Not From There."