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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to pursue a career in the medical profession. My short-range professional objectives include acquiring a medically related job while continuing my college education. I hope to complete the MBA/MHA dual degree program in 2-3 years, after which I hope to obtain an administrative position in a hospital or biomedical company. Perhaps after 3-5 years, I will pursue medical school. My life-long professional goal is to …

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…and my knowledge with my classes for the benefit of everyone. Dear members of the Admissions Committee, I sincerely share the dreams and ambitions of Patch. I find the greatest rewards and joys in helping others. I truly want to make a difference in other people's lives. I am ready for the rigors of business school and later on, medical school, as I believe I will be a valuable asset to the university. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**