Passive smoking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
There is nothing more annoying and sickening than sitting down for a meal at the local restaurant, or any place for that matter and having the poisonous haze of cigarette smoke drift towards you. It moves in an ever-expanding mass to all corners of the room, being inhaled by all. Inhaled by a small innocent child through to an old man with emphysema who struggles to get enough oxygen from the now polluted air. This …

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…their chance of developing a respiratory illness by 72%. You have seen the facts, you know what passive smoking can do, imagine what the effects of direct smoking are. Non-smokers especially children need to be protected from this genocidal act. Innocent children in homes around the country are being killed by the ones who are meant to love them; if they really loved them they would not pollute the precious air that they breathe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**