Partial-Birth Abortion

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Partial-Birth Abortions, are they wrong? Every once in a while, a topic of discussion will come up that makes some people cringe. Just at the mere thought of a debate, or that someone could be against a belief of his or her own, is mind-boggling! And so it begins, the heated debate. Debates can come in all lengths and sizes. However, none of them will usually be as strong or potentially violent as an ethical …

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…mother in providing another option, and do not feel that it is unconstitutional to take the right of abortion away from the mother. The woman in question had around sixteen to twenty-four weeks to decide that she wanted an abortion. The procedure is no longer an abortion at this time, it is murder. Join the forty-five percent of pro-life, as well as eighteen percent of the pro-choice group in voting to stop partial-birth abortions (Miller 1).