Parenting, misunderstandings and responsibilities.
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
As many people know being a parent is one of the biggest responsibilities they will have in their entire lifetime. It requires much time, especially during a child's adolescence. Being a good parent is loving your child for one part, and other qualities that must be taken up to be a good parent are: supporting them financially and emotionally, not putting them down, letting them have some independence, and communicating well with them. A good
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have love for their child, respect, support and many other good qualities needed in order to be a good parent. On the other hand, there are people like Pap who neglect their child which made him not ready for a responsibility as big as being a parent. People should think twice before having a child and take time to think about the responsibilities they face, because they have absolutely no idea what they're in for.
have love for their child, respect, support and many other good qualities needed in order to be a good parent. On the other hand, there are people like Pap who neglect their child which made him not ready for a responsibility as big as being a parent. People should think twice before having a child and take time to think about the responsibilities they face, because they have absolutely no idea what they're in for.