Parenting, dipicted in the 1989 movie "Parenthood." It portrays the 3 different parenting styles. Authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Akash Chopra Sociology 125 Daryl Hughes Parenthood "Jesus Julie, how the hell could you do that in my own house?" Just one statement made in parenting and something that both adults and children have learned to ignore. Yet this is only one parenting type and there are other ways of dealing any one problem. There are three primary methods of parenting which consist of permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. All of these contain their own benefits and …

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…watch over them, to show them right from wrong and to help them in the hardships they go through. To reign a country with love or fear or to let it run free is a decision people have been making for the past ten thousand years and one method doesn't seem to be working any better then others at times, but if anything has been shown it is that the real answer is somewhere in-between.