Parenting Style, description of authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles

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Many new parents often question on what is the proper way to raise their children. There are 3 child-rearing practices, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Authoritative. The two forms practiced by the parents in the question are Authoritarian and Authoritative. There are advantages and disadvantages to these two forms of parenting though. AUTHORITARIAN- parents impose rules and expect blind obedience. Many people were and still are raised in authoritarian households. Some advantages I can see coming from this …

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…hard on them" they will only help the distortion of their role in the child's life. In conclusion, there are many ways to raise a child. Some are to hard, some to soft, and some in the middle. The only way for a parent to decide which form of parenting is right for them is to examine how they would want their children to act and how that child will see them as a parent.