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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Paraguay Paraguay is a very interesting country to learn about. It has a population of around 5,358,000 people and the land covers a 157,047 sq. mi area. It is located in South America and is closed in by Bolivia on the north and west, Brazil on the east, and Argentina on the south and west. Bolivia and Paraguay are the two landlocked nations of the continent. The capital and by far the largest city is Asuncion. Most …

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…ps include the National Encounter party, the Febreista Revolutionary party, the Christian Democratic party, and the outlawed Communist party. I have learned from this report that Paraguay is a very big, and very populated country. It is divided into a lot of different sections and has mostly one strict religion. They have a pretty good set economy and I think that it will come out as one of the top countries in Latin America.