Paper or Plastic?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Paper or Plastic? We've all been in the grocery store, at one time or another, and been asked, "paper or plastic?" Do you remember which you chose? Moreover, why did you make that particular choice? And, was it an informed decision? Most people choose the bag that seems to carry their particular groceries better. Plastic should be your choice for the benefits to the natural world alone. In our era of ecological and environmental awakening, …

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…loggers. Plastic is, by comparison, efficient and low energy to produce, and, easily and efficiently recycled. Plastic reduces, recycles marvelously, and in that, is reused. After contrasting the efforts behind the making of paper and plastic, it is my opinion that plastic is indeed more beneficial to the environment. The next time you are asked the dreaded question, "Paper or plastic?", you can answer knowing that you are making the some kind of informed decision.