Paper On A Topic Of Personal Interest - How-To Install and Setup Axle Ring and Pinion Gears

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
How-To Install and Setup Axle Ring and Pinion Gears Good gear men are like voodoo priests. They are the keepers of the dark art. There are two things that will strike fear into the average mechanic, and setting up a diff is one of them. Setting up a differential is probably one of the most under-rated jobs that a mechanic can tackle. "Setting up" a rear end involves much more than merely replacing parts and …

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…well. Check your gear pattern once more to make sure that you reinstalled everything properly, and then check your backlash settings to be sure all is well. If everything is within specification, you're done with the setup of your new ring and pinion gears! Just be sure to not roast your tires for the next 300 miles while the new gear set breaks in, and you'll get many miles out of your new gears and axle.