Pap Finn's Story

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pap Finn is the antagonist in the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Pap appearance is around 50 years old, and he looked like a beggar. He has tangled hair, long, black whiskers, and a pale white face. Pap has no love or compassion for his son, Huck Finn. The only person that he cares for is himself. Everyone in town scorns and hates him for his actions, attitude, and his endlessly envious behavior …

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…but to others. He will have a dramatic change in him. He will find out that you cannot use people for your own benefit but form a relationship between them and earn their love. Pap will prove to everyone that he got love and sympathy for Huck and that he is not inhumane. If he doesn't take any further action then he will live his life as a lonely man with no friends or family.