Pallister Furniture: The Mexican Venture

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Palliser Background Information. Palliser Furniture Ltd is a Canadian company created in 1944. Started by A. Defehr with the money he made selling his car, the company is currently the largest furniture manufacturer in Canada. By 1964 Palliser had a 45,000 sq ft operation with 50 employees and $1 Million CND in sales. The Canadian furniture industry is labour intensive, and employs mostly immigrants who are skilled and semi-skilled workers. The industry is becoming more high-tech and there is going …

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…needs to emphasize this to consumers. They need to give consumers a reason to buy their brand while at the same time explain why NOT to buy Asian products. For example, a recent study found that Asian Long-Horned Beatle larvae were found within the wood frames of imported furniture. Palliser should capitalize on these threats that Asian furniture create. This will bring Palliser out of the alternative choice to consumers to optimal choice for consumer.