Palestinian view on Israel

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The news, shows Palestinian extremists blowing up and causing terror in Jewish settlements. We see the screams, the tears, the heart break and it brings us back to September 11, the action of terrorism is an awful thing but there is a story behind this. A typical American may build this up as another attempt to try to diminish our way of life and the way of a democracy. We think that the bombings are unjustified …

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…was to create a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the fighting and the land dispute. The Israelis agreed to the resolution. The Palestinians therefore should be granted Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem back, according to resolution 242. The Israelis disagree however on this part, and still have soldiers lined up along the border. Clearly the Jews have not fulfilled the requirements of the resolution and should give the land back to the rightful owners.