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Essay Database > Literature > English
PALESTINE: REVOLUTION CONTINUES AGAINST OCCUPATION & COLONIALISM While the corporate media focuses almost exclusively on street and military clashes, the reality is that all of Palestinian society is involved in the 2000 uprising (intifada) against Israeli occupation. This is not to say that the confrontations are not critical -- they are the front-line of this great struggle. But what the IAC delegation in late October-early November saw very clearly was that every sector and age group of …

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…with contiguous territory and its own borders, with Jerusalem as its capital, and with the right to return for the nearly 5 million Palestinian living in exile. Nothing like this has yet been offered by the U.S./Israeli side in the negotiations. The Palestinian people's long and heroic struggle is inextricably linked to the fight against imperialist domination and oppression here and around the world. It deserves the support of all who stand for justice.