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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
THE PROLETARIAT, SLAVE, SERF AND THE HANDICRAFT Over time in the history of modern world man has walked through various stages of life. At every given stage of life, society was equally at a distinct economic stage. In deed, the history of man proper covers a span of about forty thousand years (Eaton, 1966:10).The primitive man was a savage, he lived in savagery. The spears and the hunting trap were his first instruments for hunting …

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…Owerri: Jackson, m.p, (1980), Strikes: Industrial conflict in Britain, U.S.A and Australia. New York: St Martins press. Landes, s.d., (1969), The unbound Prometheus: Technological changes and industrial development in western Europe from 1750 to the present .London: Cambridge university press. Parker et al, (1977), The Sociology of industry.London: George Allen & Unwin. Singer, Peter (1980), MARX.Oxford: Oxford university press. Professor A.U.Akpan's lecture note, 2000.Unpublished monograph Written by: Larry-love effiong Nduonofit August 9, 2004.