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Essay Database > History
American Prohibition "After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacturing, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation there of, or the exploitation there of from the US and all its territories subject to the jurisdiction there of for beverage purposes is here by prohibited" (Antony 121). These words marked a change in the American way of life forever. The law was intended to improve America and show the rest of the …

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…reat Depression," Oppsosing View Points. California: Green Have Press, Inc., 1994. Pg 85-86 Ohio-State 1. "American prohibition in the 1920's". Internet. Available : 1/19/98 Ohio-State 2. "American prohibition in the 1920's". Internet. Available : 1/19/98 Thornton, Mark. "Prohibition's Failure : Lessons for Today." USA Today. March 1992: 70-74. CD-ROM, 1997 SIRS. SIRS 1992 Alcohol. Volume 5. Article 7 Time-Life Books. Time Capsule 1927. Canada: Time-Lifge Publishing Co., 1968. Pg 45-46