PR In Action - MKT 438

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Public relations (PR) is defined as "the efforts put forth by an organization to maintain its image with the public (". PR is the instrument that shapes the mind of the consumer. Credibility is established, word of mouth follows, and in the process, brand image and loyalty are being built. One very important component of public relations is successful crisis management. For most organizations, a crisis is a "series of unexpected unpleasant events that …

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…Advertising?" PR Intelligence Report 14 Nov. 2002 6 June 2004. <> Entine, Jon. "How Jack Turned Crisis Into Opportunity." Business Digest 6 June 2004 Nov. 1999 Fass, Allison. "Duking It Out." 9 June 2003. 6 June 2004 Jefferson, Steve. "Crisis Management: How Hilton Handled Mold PR." Pacific Business News 18 Aug. 2002 3 June 2004.