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Essay Database > Business & Economy
POW, or prisoner of war, is a person captured by the enemy during a war. MIA, or missing in action, is a person that has gone unaccounted for during a war. These terms are not to be used lightly because of the pain and suffering that comes with them. When captured by the enemy, you are considered a POW. In the years before the 17th century, any and all POW's were killed or put into …

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…wars a constant threat to our lives. Prisoners of war and soldiers that are missing in action are among the bravest people we can ever encounter. The abuse that is taken by them is one that is immeasurable and should never have to be tried. The universal slogan for POW/MIA soldiers and service man is: POW/MIA you will not be forgotten. The men that endured and are not here paid the ultimate sacrifice.