PHYSICAL JOURNEYS How have the texts you have studied this year effectively shaped your understanding of the impact of journeys?

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The importance of a physical journey is the experience along the way and what it teaches. Through the texts Post Card and Migrant Hostel by Peter Skrzynecki, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, The Grapes of Wrath adapted from John Steinbecks novel and song lyrics of Homeward Bound by Simon and Garfunkelall these texts have effectively shaped my understanding of the impact of journeys not only through the texts but through the techniques and …

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…experience, Frost and his decisions in life, Tom and family from the Grapes of Wrath learn the truth about the society in which they live, and the song lyric Homeward Bound all have something in common, this is an important and value of a physical journey which in turn have all effectively helped me gain a greater understanding of the impacts physical journeys have not only through the texts but idea's and techniques. Dean Whitbread