PASSION - a very descriptive definition essay on the word "Passion"

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Passion is a distinct characteristic that not every person has the opportunity to experience. When one is said to have passion, that means that this person is driven and full of enthusiasm. Passion can be expressed in many different ways, and in many different situations. The dictionary has several definitions for the word "passion." Passion is described as a powerful emotion, such as love, hate, joy, or anger. Anyone can be joyful, but when someone …

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…of love, joy, and excitement; it also means the absence of hatred, spite, and anger. Life without passion would be meaningless, empty, and boring. Henri Fredric Amiel perhaps said it best in the following statement: "A man without passion is only a latent force, only a possibility, like a stone waiting for the blow from the iron to give forth sparks." Life is full passion, and without it, there would be no quality of life.