P.T. Barnum

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The late 19 th century was era of vast change and social, economic, andindustrial upheaval. Many of the changes during the 19th century can beseen in our 20 th century society. The growth of classes created new distinctionsbetween the rich and the poor that remain with us today. Especially in the1880sand 1890s, it can be observed how many workplaces, consumer choices, recreationalpursuits, and demographic patterns underwent transition or transformation (Thomson 12). The remnants of the traditional society …

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…role of freak shows in this era,"In a turbulant era of social and material change, the spectacle of the extraordinary body stimulated curiosity, ignited speculation, provoked titillation,furnished novelty, filled coffers, confirmed commonality, and certified nationalidentity (11)" The modernization of late 19th centuryAmerica must beseen as one of the leading reasons for the popularity ofthe traditionalfreak show, while the 20th century descendants of the freakshow can alsofind their origins within these same elements of modernization.