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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Abstract of: Ozone talks fail over U.S. stance Reuters CNN.com 2003 3 pp. This article in my view is very enlightening as to the complacent discontent that the United States portrays concerning environmental issues. We all know the stance the U.S. takes on Global Warming. Now we know how the U.S. feels in some way about harming the ozone. As long as it does not have an effect on the pockets of big …

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…basically believes they are exempt from global policies. I always read articles and hear in the news the negative actions of the U.S. I wish we could enter an age in which we beautified the world and lived sustainable with our environment. The republicans and democrats have had a long enough run in government. I believe that now it is time for the Greenpeace party to take charge and turn this misguided country around. .