Overview of the plot of King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The ageing King Lear, no longer wishing to bear the burdens of kingship, announces that he intends to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters. Each must state how much she loves him - he will then judge which daughter loves him best. The winner of the 'love test' will receive the largest portion of his kingdom. Goneril and Regan flatter their father and are duly rewarded, but Cordelia, Lear's youngest and favourite daughter, is …

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…carrying his dead daughter in his arms. Kent now reveals his identity to Lear and explains how he disguised himself as Caius in order to carry on serving his King. Edmund's death is announced. Albany swears loyalty to Lear but Lear, overcome by grief, dies. Albany then hands the reigns of power to Kent and Edgar, but Kent declines the offer as he intends to follow Lear, even in death. Edgar becomes England's new ruler.