Overview of the Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
In the 1950's the United States, began to send armed forces over to Vietnam, for the following 20 plus years the ongoing war would create major tensions throughout U.S. History. Nearly 3 million U.S. service men and women were sent thousands of miles away from home, to fight for a rather questionable cause. In total nearly 2 and a half million people from both the U.S. and Vietnam would die in a fight that had …

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…citizens. <Tab/>After great efforts by the U.S to withdraw, and the establishment of a cease-fire in January 1973, American soldiers began leaving Vietnam for good. The North Vietnamese had finally conquered South Vietnam in 1975, totally ignoring the cease-fire and in July 1976, North and South Vietnam were now united as a single communist state. It had cost an estimated 2 million lives and the injury or disablement of many millions of others.