Overview On The Department Of Homeland Security

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Homeland Security leverages resources within Federal, state, and local governments, coordinating the transition of multiple agencies and programs into a single, integrated agency focused on protecting the American people and their homeland. More than 87,000 different governmental jurisdictions at the federal, state, and local level have homeland security responsibilities. Those agencies making up the Department of Homeland Security are housed in one of four major directorates: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and …

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…the Coast Guard are also located in the Department of Homeland Security, reporting directly to the Secretary. In addition, the INS adjudications and benefits programs reports directly to the Deputy Secretary as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Overall I believe that the department is well organized and all the appropriate agencies have been realigned with the new department. Department of Homeland Security Official Web Page (2006). Retrieved May 3, 2006 from http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/